striving to learn, learning to grow, growing to succeed!
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Benita Scheckel

How I Work

With Students

I see each student as an individual with distinct strengths and challenges.  My goal when guiding students, is to help them to use their talents and strengths to build capacity for bridging areas of weakness so that all students can achieve success.  I am open, warm and firm, holding students to high standards as they become ethical, disciplined, empathetic citizens.  I seek to be visible and available to students and their needs by moving around campus throughout the day.  Lunchtime is my favorite part of the day, as it affords me the opportunity to sit with different groups of children, share a meal, laugh and learn. 

With Parents

Parents are our customers. As I advocate for students, parents become my partners in delivering high quality programs to their children.  I encourage parents to be involved in my school in an area in which they feel they can have the most impact such as, PTSA, School Site Council, African American Parent Council, English Learner Advisory Council, volunteers, guest speakers and any other ways we can think of!  I work with parents to create a 360 degree view of their child with the paradigm that we both want what's best for the student and we will not rest until we find it. 

With Colleagues

None of us is as skilled as ALL of us!   I believe in building strong teams with a shared vision based on trust and respect.  I work within a collaborative model.  I will only make certain decisions once I am confident I have consulted with my Leadership Team and we can move forward with reasonable sureness that we are on the right track. Like Abraham Lincoln, I believe in surrounding myself with people who are different from me.  Hearing from a team of people with the exact same theoretical frameworks as my own, does not serve our students or push our school forward.  I embrace respectful discourse and diversity within my teams, and welcome my staff to speak with me openly and honestly.

With community members

A school is part of the community, and as an Educational Leader, I engage with community regularly by involving myself in local groups such as, Union Station, Humane Society, Caltech and the Armory Center.  Additionally, community members are welcomed onto campus to interface with students in small groups, whole class and whole school meetings.  They provide mentorship, internships and serve on Advisory Boards.  Our community partners are vital as they help educators create relevancy in their classrooms, preparing students to be successful in college and careers.  

When a film actor who is a neighbor to the school came to complain the band was too loud, she convinced him to buy large tarps for shade so the band could move elsewhere. She is always looking at how to bring in others in support of the students and school.
— Dr. Mark Anderson, Principal